The MGHJFL program is in the process of replacing our aged tackle football jerseys w/ new and more modern jerseys. As a part of this, we would like to start offering the option for players and their families to purchase their own jerseys that they would be allowed to keep and customize with their name. These customized jerseys will be the same style, brand, and look of our organization jerseys.
To order a jersey, simply log into the website and go to “Register Here”, just as you would for signing up your player to play football. From here you will see a link called “MGHJFL Jersey Order Fall 2024” where you will answer a few questions and then finalize your order. We will then take the orders, verify jersey numbers and names, then submit this to Riddell where we will be getting our MGHJFL organization jerseys.
Just a few Notes regarding the jersey ordering questions:
Jersey Size – Write in desired size. Ex. Youth Medium or Adult Small, etc
*Important Note – Since jersey sizing does not follow normal shirt sizing you can use the size from last year or order a size larger to account for growth. Otherwise, we are having a few sizing dates available to sample jerseys on:
Wed June 26th – Thurs June 27th from 5:30-7pm at the MGHJFL Building @ Black Partridge Park
Saturday June 29th from 8:30-10:30 at the MGHJFL Building @ Black Partridge Park
Jersey Name – Type in the name you want on the back of the jersey.
Jersey Number – In order to ensure no duplication of numbers on a single team, type in your 3 top number choices
Ex. 34, 18, 4
From last year’s records, we have the players number that was requested during equipment turn in. We will use those to confirm the first picks and then fill in the numbers around them for the new players.
Optional Jersey purchase will be open from Wednesday, June 27th @ 5pm through Wednesday, July 3rd @ 8pm
Thank you and please reach out to [email protected] w/ any questions.